Gantt diagramok az Easy Projecthez
Fejlessze projektmenedzsmentjét az Easy Project Gantt-diagramjaival, amelyek eszközként szolgálnak a feladatok vizualizálására és tervezésére bármilyen projekt bonyolultság esetén. Szerezzen betekintést és irányítást projektjei felett olyan funkciókkal, mint a kritikus útvonal elemzés és a pénzforgalom láthatósága, mindezt egy egységes, könnyen navigálható felületről. Átfogó Gantt-megoldásaink, beleértve a Global Gantt és a Cash Flow in Gantt Chart, biztosítják a hatékony projektkövetést és pénzügyi felügyeletet, megkönnyítve projektjeinek sikerét.

Gantt chart for easy project planning
Tired of overdue tasks and clumsy Excel spreadsheets? Try a Gantt chart, it will visualize your projects and make planning easier so the process runs faster, is more synchronized, and stays easily communicable.

Global Gantt
A must-have for every portfolio manager — Global Gantt, enables accurately planned projects and eagle-view management. It allows you to instantly see current vs. planned performance, as well as resource and cash flows that are spent on each project.

Critical path of the project
A critical path is a sequence of tasks that cannot be delayed or else the whole project would be delayed. Also, it shows the shortest time that the project can be completed. A task within the project is considered critical if its due date can not be delayed since it would directly affect the project completion date.

Assess project performance by comparing it to the original plan. Baselines provide snapshots of the project plan at different moments, allowing you to easily compare the plan to current performance within your Gantt chart.

Cash flow in Gantt chart
To see cash flow in both project and global Easy Gantt, just select Cash flow under the Tools menu. Of course, Cash flow feature is only available when Money plugin is installed in Easy Project. Clicking on it adds a new horizontal line to the timeline. This line shows numbers representing the balances of planned incomes and expenses per selected period (day, week, month).